When it comes to what to wear horseback riding, striking the perfect balance between comfort, functionality, and style is key.

Whether you’re a seasoned rider or gearing up for your first equestrian adventure, knowing what to wear can make all the difference.

Our comprehensive guide, shaped by insights from over a thousand votes across popular social media platforms such as Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter, brings you the expertise of our equestrian aficionados.

Plus, our team of experts has conducted extensive trials on our own products to provide you with the best guidance in this article. So saddle up and let’s delve into the world of equestrian fashion!

What to Wear Horseback Riding for the First Time?

Embarking on your first horseback riding experience is an exciting journey. To ensure you’re well-prepared, here are five essential tips for what to wear:

Comfort is Key – Riding Attire

What To Wear Horseback Riding

When preparing for your first horseback riding experience, prioritizing comfort is paramount. Choose well-fitted riding pants that offer both flexibility and ease of movement.

Riding-specific pants are designed to allow your legs to move freely while ensuring that the fabric doesn’t bunch up or cause discomfort in the saddle.

Opt for a pair that strikes a balance between snugness and maneuverability, ensuring that you can maintain proper posture throughout your ride.

Pair your riding pants with a comfortable and breathable shirt. The shirt’s fabric should wick away moisture to keep you cool, especially on warmer days

Sturdy Footwear – Riding Boots

What To Wear Horseback Riding

When it comes to horseback riding, your choice of footwear can greatly impact your overall experience. Invest in a reliable pair of sturdy, closed-toe riding boots with a low heel.

These boots are specifically designed to provide adequate support and protection for your feet while riding.

Additionally, the low heel serves a dual purpose: it prevents your foot from sliding too far into the stirrup, reducing the risk of getting caught, while also aiding in maintaining proper posture during your ride.

Safety First – Certified Riding Helmet

What To Wear Horseback Riding

When considering what to wear horseback riding, prioritize safety above all else, particularly if you’re new to riding. A non-negotiable element of your riding ensemble should be a certified riding helmet.

This crucial gear is specifically engineered to safeguard your head from potential impacts and injuries.

Riding helmets undergo rigorous testing to meet stringent safety criteria, designed to absorb shocks and evenly distribute impact forces. This proactive measure significantly reduces the chances of head trauma in the event of a fall or collision.

Gloves for Grip – Enhancing Control

What To Wear Horseback Riding

To enhance your control and grip while riding, consider donning a pair of riding gloves. These gloves serve multiple purposes beyond style.

The materials used in riding gloves are chosen for their ability to provide excellent friction and grip on the reins.

By wearing riding gloves, you can maintain a secure hold on the reins even in damp or sweaty conditions. This not only aids in guiding your horse but also prevents friction and blisters on your hands that may occur from prolonged contact with the reins.

Our experts, who have invested countless hours in testing and experimenting with different riding gear, endorse this accessory for its practicality and functionality.

Layer Up – Weather-Ready Attire

What To Wear Horseback Riding

As you embark on your horseback riding journey, it’s essential to be prepared for changing weather conditions.

In cooler weather, opt for a lightweight, breathable jacket that can easily be worn over your shirt.

This jacket should offer just the right amount of warmth without causing you to overheat as you become more active during your ride. Look for designs with features like zippered vents to regulate your body temperature.

The beauty of layering is its adaptability. Should you start to warm up during your ride, you can simply remove the jacket and tie it around your waist or saddle for easy access later.

What to Wear Horseback Riding in the Summer?

Riding in the summer calls for a different approach. Here are five tips to stay cool and stylish:

Opt for Lightweight Fabrics

What To Wear Horseback Riding

When preparing for a horseback riding adventure in the scorching summer sun, your choice of fabrics can make all the difference. Aim for lightweight materials that don’t weigh you down and allow for ample airflow.

Opt for garments made from moisture-wicking fabrics that effectively pull sweat away from your skin, keeping you cool and dry as you navigate the trails.

The careful selection of these materials is informed by the feedback of countless riders who have faced the challenge of riding in the heat.

Breathable Footwear

What To Wear Horseback Riding

It’s not just your apparel that plays a role in keeping you comfortable during a summer horseback ride; your choice of footwear matters too. When it comes to riding boots or paddock shoes, prioritize breathability.

Look for options with strategically placed perforations or mesh panels that allow air to circulate around your feet.

This not only helps prevent overheating but also reduces the accumulation of sweat, which can lead to discomfort during long rides.

Sun Protection

What To Wear Horseback Riding

The sun’s powerful rays can quickly turn a pleasant ride into an uncomfortable experience. Shielding yourself from the sun’s UV radiation is crucial for both your comfort and your skin’s health.

Don’t underestimate the importance of sun protection. Invest in a wide-brimmed hat that offers shade for your face, neck, and shoulders.

A pair of quality sunglasses not only adds a touch of style but also protects your eyes from glare and harmful UV rays. Additionally, apply sunscreen to any exposed skin to prevent sunburn.

This advice is backed by the careful consideration of rider feedback and our experts’ knowledge, ensuring you can enjoy your ride without worrying about sun-related discomfort.

Cool and Covered

What To Wear Horseback Riding

Navigating the balance between staying covered for sun protection and remaining cool can be a challenge.

However, with the right approach, you can achieve both. Consider wearing long-sleeved shirts made from lightweight and breathable fabrics.

Light-colored options are particularly effective as they reflect the sun’s rays and help maintain a cooler body temperature. These shirts provide a layer of protection against sunburn while allowing air circulation to prevent overheating.

Hydration Matters

What To Wear Horseback Riding

In the sweltering heat of summer, the importance of staying hydrated cannot be overstated. Dehydration can sneak up on you quickly, leading to fatigue, dizziness, and decreased concentration—all of which can compromise your safety while riding.

Make carrying a water bottle an essential part of your riding gear. Sip water regularly throughout your ride, especially during breaks.

Our recommendation to prioritize hydration is founded on a deep understanding of the physiological challenges posed by hot weather riding.

What to Wear Horseback Riding on the Beach?

Riding on the beach adds an extra layer of excitement. Here’s what you should consider wearing:

Swimsuit Ready

What To Wear Horseback Riding

If your riding adventure includes the allure of the beach and the sea, planning for a potential dip in the ocean is a must. To seamlessly transition from the saddle to the waves, consider the “Swimsuit Ready” approach.

This entails wearing a swimsuit underneath your riding attire. By doing so, you’ll be prepared for an impromptu swim without the hassle of changing outfits.

This strategic choice ensures that your horseback riding experience remains flexible and carefree, allowing you to embrace the waves without any hindrance.

Sand-Friendly Footwear

What To Wear Horseback Riding


When it comes to what to wear horseback riding on the beach, special attention must be paid to the sandy terrain underfoot.

“Sand-Friendly Footwear” emerges as a crucial element of your riding attire, with the choice of sandals or riding shoes being paramount.

These specialized shoes are designed to tackle the challenges of sandy surfaces without compromising your grip in the stirrups.

Crafted to prevent sand accumulation, they ensure that you maintain optimal control while skillfully navigating the captivating shoreline.

Lightweight Cover-Ups

What To Wear Horseback Riding

As the sun sets over the horizon and the beach breeze picks up, having a versatile layer to drape over your riding attire is a game-changer. Enter the “Lightweight Cover-Ups” strategy.

A sarong or a beach dress serves as the perfect addition to your riding ensemble. Not only do these cover-ups provide an extra layer of sun protection, but they also keep you comfortable as temperatures fluctuate.

Whether you’re pausing for a beachside snack or enjoying the view from your saddle, this choice ensures both practicality and style.

Hat and Sunglasses

What To Wear Horseback Riding

When setting out for a beachside horseback ride, knowing what to wear horseback riding becomes crucial. The “Hat and Sunglasses” duo emerges as your initial defense against the sun’s rays and coastal winds.

A wide-brimmed hat shields your face, neck, and shoulders from direct sunlight, effectively preventing potential sunburn.

Pair this with a dependable set of sunglasses engineered to remain firmly in place, even during the exhilarating gallop along the shoreline.

This combination not only safeguards your vision but also enhances your overall comfort, enabling you to fully immerse yourself in the breathtaking coastal scenery and the rhythmic cadence of your horse.

Quick-Dry Clothing

What To Wear Horseback Riding

Riding in the waves can be exhilarating, but it’s essential to consider the post-ride experience, especially in terms of your attire.

The “Quick-Dry Clothing” approach ensures that your riding attire doesn’t stay damp for extended periods after your water-themed ride. Opt for riding clothes made from moisture-wicking materials that efficiently draw moisture away from your skin.

This not only keeps you comfortable but also prevents discomfort and chafing as you continue your day after the ride. Embrace this choice for a hassle-free transition from wet and sandy to dry and comfortable.

What to Wear Horseback Riding in Hot Weather?

Riding in hot weather requires strategic choices. Here are five tips to keep you cool and comfortable:

Breathable Fabrics

What To Wear Horseback Riding

When riding in hot weather, prioritizing breathable fabrics can be a game-changer. Opt for attire crafted from materials designed to wick moisture away from your skin, allowing air circulation that helps regulate your body temperature.

Fabrics like lightweight cotton blends and technical fabrics with moisture-wicking properties are excellent choices.

Not only do these fabrics keep you feeling cool and comfortable, but they also prevent the uncomfortable build-up of sweat, ensuring that your ride remains enjoyable and free from distractions.

Ventilated Headgear

What To Wear Horseback Riding

Your head is your most vital asset while riding, and choosing the right headgear can significantly impact your comfort level in hot weather. When selecting a riding helmet, opt for one with well-designed ventilation.

Ventilated headgear allows air to flow through, keeping your scalp cool and preventing the accumulation of heat.

This crucial feature not only enhances your riding experience but also ensures that you stay focused and comfortable throughout your ride, especially during those scorching summer days.

Sleeveless Options

What To Wear Horseback Riding

To ensure optimal airflow and freedom of movement, think about including sleeveless riding tops in your selection of what to wear horseback riding during hot weather.

These tops not only grant your arms unrestricted movement for precise rein control but also permit a refreshing breeze to naturally cool you down.

Look for designs that provide necessary coverage while ensuring that the sleeveless style keeps your upper body comfortably ventilated.

Ventilated Boots

What To Wear Horseback Riding

The well-being of your feet is crucial while riding in hot weather, and choosing the right boots can contribute significantly to your overall comfort.

Look for riding boots that feature breathable panels or mesh inserts strategically placed to allow air to flow around your feet. This innovative design helps prevent your feet from becoming excessively sweaty and uncomfortable.

By selecting ventilated boots, you ensure that your ride remains enjoyable and your feet remain dry, even during extended periods in the saddle.


Should You Wear Jeans or Leggings Horseback Riding?

Jeans can be uncomfortable and restrictive while riding. Opt for riding-specific leggings or breeches that provide flexibility and comfort in the saddle.

Can I Wear Sweatpants Horseback Riding?

Sweatpants can be too loose and potentially catch on the saddle. It's best to choose riding-appropriate attire that offers the necessary support and safety.


Whether you’re riding for the first time, in the summer, on the beach, or in hot weather, the right attire can enhance your equestrian experience.

Remember, the guidance in this article is backed by both expert opinions and the preferences of fellow riders on social media.

Prior to mounting your horse, make sure you have chosen the appropriate attire for what to wear horseback riding to ensure comfort, confidence, and style throughout your ride.

For more equestrian gear and fashion options, check out Customyourshirts and discover a world of riding attire tailored to your unique style and needs.

Have a nice trip!